2024 CRUK City of London Centre image competition is now closed
The CRUK City of London Centre image competition celebrates the work of our fantastic researchers and staff through imagery and stories that invite us into the world of cancer research.
Research images, images showcasing or explaining research as well as images celebrating the City of London Centre, for example its people, collaborative working, and facilities, are eligible for the competition.
The prize for the winners are:
- First place: £200
- Second place: £100
- Third place: £50
You can find the 2024 competition winning entries here. The image competition should re-open in early 2025.

Eligibility criteria
Participants must be staff (including principal investigators, postdoctoral researchers, technical staff, and professional services) or PhD students associated with the City of London Centre from the partner institutions (QMUL, KCL, UCL and the Crick). You do not need to be funded by the Centre to participate.
- The submitted image may be portrait or landscape.
- Submit your entries as JPEG/JPG files, maximum 100Mb in size.
- Please include your full name in the title of the file.
- Images may be black and white or in colour, taken with any kind of camera. Minor adjustments are allowed, such as minor changes in cropping, sharpening, contrast, etc. Significantly altered or artistically enhanced photos are not accepted. The committee may request the original file/RAW/negative of your photo to verify this.
- Images taken by someone other than the participant are not allowed.
- Labels or annotations are not allowed.
- Your image title should not exceed a maximum of 10 words.
- Your accompanying narrative/caption should not exceed a maximum of 50 words.
- Your image narrative must give a description of your image and place in the context of the research and or the City of London Centre.
- Your narrative must be accessible to a non-specialist audience (layperson). Do not use acronyms.
- You must ensure personal safety of everyone involved. Avoid taking unnecessary risks that can result in dangerous situations.
- You are responsible for ensuring full compliance with any applicable national or international legislation.
- Respect the work of other photographers and do not plagiarize.
- You must not do anything to injure or distress an animal or damage its habitat in an attempt to secure an image.
- If the committee suspects that an entry has been achieved through cruel or unethical practices, the entry will be disqualified.
- Permission of any individuals in the image must be obtained before submitting
Selection criteria
The winners will be judged by the Centre’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement committee, against eligibility criteria and the following themes.
- Technical skill: technical qualities of the image, including clarity, lighting and framing.
- Impact: the image captures the imagination of the viewer and it is likely to inspire.
- Communication: the narrative is accessible to layperson and describes the image and its message accurately. The narrative compliments the image and enhances its impact.
How to enter the competition
Please use WeTransfer to send your image to cruk.cityoflondoncentre@ucl.ac.uk (it is free of charge) as well as complete the following requirements by the end of Friday 22 March 2024.
- Please include your full name in the title of the image, so we can link your image to the forms.
- Please complete and sign the CoL Centre photo/video release form and email it to cruk.cityoflondoncentre@ucl.ac.uk.
- Complete the submission form here. Form entries are listed below for information
- Full name
- Institution
- Job title
- Image title
- Accompanying narrative/caption
Terms and conditions
- It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that the images they are submitting are their own work, that they own the copyright for them and that they do not infringe on the copyright or other rights of any third party.
- You are required to obtain permission from people who are identifiable in the images by asking all to complete and sign the Photo/video Release Form including yourself.
- It is the responsibility of participants to ensure that the images do not infringe any laws.
- Copyright for the submitted images remains with their authors. However, by entering the competition, participants are granting the CRUK City of London Centre irrevocable, perpetual permission for non-commercial use of the images online and in print, in any communication materials relating to the competition and the Centre, and Centre exhibitions.
If you have any question, please contact cruk.cityoflondoncentre@ucl.ac.uk